At Intersand, we firmly believe that our dear pets deserve the best. And it’s because we want them to live long and healthy lives with us that we work daily to develop the best products based on best practices. We want to offer them innovative litters that respect their needs and yours.
Intersand is much more than a producer of high-quality litter. The company is the first and foremost animal hygiene experts who care about the well-being and health of our dear pets. The litter is unique, and so are you.
Respect is at the heart of our values and as a leader in our field, we want to be a select partner for our consumers, distributors and employees. At Intersand, we have anchored in our values the desire to contribute to the development of sustainable practices for the environment and for our communities.
But that’s not all, we also believe in a prettier, kittier future
We all know that it’s essential to innovate in the jungle that is business, where competition is increasingly fierce. This is one of the reasons why Intersand decided to take a new look at litter production. Integrating new technologies, science, research and creative partnerships, its business model is unique.
We would like to share with you some of the keys to our success which, rather than simply seeing innovation as a technological tool, see it as a pillar of the sustainable development of our business in all areas.